Monday, October 18, 2010

Character Development

Today (well technically last week it did) I finally get to start my research project, and already I'm pretty confused, but I have figured out some of the things I want to do for it. As you know, this research project is about character development, a subject that has interested me for a long time. I hope that I will be able to update more on this blog compared to my last one. Now some information on what I did last week:

Last week I just learned of the stuff we had to do for the Research Project and have mostly no idea of what I’m supposed to do. Most of the lesson involved getting the laptops to work; they were being very slow when loading up and the internet wasn’t working for awhile as well. When the computer finally started working the class was told to write down keywords for their chosen subject. I also looked up some internet sources to help me with my subject, they seem really helpful. We were also given some sheets that would help us with the research process and with our research journal. I don’t think most of the students used them though. The rest of the lesson had to be in silence due to the rowdiness of the class but it did help me get some work done, as well as let me read a few articles about character development to help me with my research. One of the articles gave a lot of useful information about the personality and quirks of characters and another one shared some advice on how you can interview your character to help develop them further, which is something I might try in the future.
