Thursday, November 4, 2010

More Character Development

So far I have written my proposal and have planned out what I’m going to study for my research project for the holidays. Character Development wise I’m still not sure what kind of approach I want to take with characters. So far all I know that I want to have them kind of opposite to each other and at least give them different genders, I also want to make them more relateable(sp?) and not the type of characters you’d see in a fantasy novels, ‘shooting magical beams of good to destroy the bad guys kind of thing.’ I also don’t want the characters to be too futuristic or historical, something modern so things don’t get too tricky, but knowing me I’ll probably want to put a million plot twists in everything, let’s see if I avoid that.

Other than planning and writing up my proposal I haven’t been doing much of anything else in this subject. I’ve been doing some film work in media studies and I think it might be influencing some ideas for my work. Previously I’ve mentioned that I read an article about interviewing your characters to develop them and that I was willing to try this out for my project but now I’m thinking that maybe I could do a live action movie on the interview as well as a short story based on it. Of course I’ll cancel the idea if things become too tricky but it’s a possibility I want to keep open. It will also be useful if I ever decide to present my research project as a video presentation rather than research information in a folder.

Also for those that don’t know TV Tropes is a great place to find information on character clichés and stereotypes, so some people might want to check them out. Here is an article on Character Development if anyone is interested:

Mind Map

Sorry for not posting often. This is my current mind map for my research project, I'll post it alone before I post up my proper blog.