Thursday, February 24, 2011

Very Late Post

I haven’t made a journal for the Research Project for a long time and sorry about that, but I have been doing a lot of work since last time I updated.

During the holidays I was able to create the two characters for my research project. At first I was contemplating weather or to use characters I had already created and develop them further but most of my characters are a little, weird and quirky and I didn’t think they were appropriate. So I decided to go with new characters that I created on Christmas Day while I was in Stansbury visiting my Nanna. The farmlands that surround the town, I guess inspired the characters and their setting.

The characters are Sally O’Brian and Samson Bailey. A farm girl and an ex-adventurer that both working at a bookstore (techniqually Samson owns the bookstore and Sally volunteers to work as an assistant) and they get along by telling each other stories, Sally tells imaginary stories while Samson tells real ones based on his old adventures. Sally is a ten year old with a huge imagination while Samson is in his 60s/70s that uses his love of stories to create a book store. The story takes place in Stansbury because that’s where I had the idea.

Also during the holidays I was able to write the character interview with my own characters to understand them better, and I did. I learned that both of them tend to talk a lot, while a lot of my previous characters tended to talk in small sentences while in conversations with each other, Sally and Samson tend to go on forever whenever their speak. They usually tell stories when in conversations which make them very one sided at times, both of them just like talking! But in retrospect it kind of makes sense. I’ve also got a storyline planned for what happens in their story. (That sounded like improper grammar.)

I have completed their bios and have drawn pictures on what I think they’d look like. I’ve also just completed a survey that I plan to give to my English class, Mrs Jones has given me permission, now all I have to do is print them out, though I don’t think I’ll be able to hand them out until next lesson, we’ll see.

That’s pretty much all I can think of to write for now, so hopefully I’ll come up with new things later.

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